How to take care of your skin as we mature.

beautiful woman with towel on head checking acne and wrinkles in the mirror

Your skin, like the rest of your body, undergoes a variety of changes during your life. With so much going on in a woman's life throughout her twenties, it's critical that she develops a sound skincare routine. It's time to get your skin in shape for your twenties, dermatologists tell us. During adolescence, the skin is more likely to be oily and acne-prone, and this might last into adulthood. Marnie B. Nussbaum, MD, a dermatologist in New York City, reminds us that hormone levels peak in your third decade, causing lower jawline acne and dryness owing to elevated progesterone levels. As a result, this causes a 28 % drop in cellular regeneration, "the glow on your skin becomes harder to maintain and fine wrinkles appear more prominent," she explains. Collagen production declines as a result, resulting in fine wrinkles and greater laxity in the skin.

Then you also have to deal with premature ageing, hyperpigmentation, and brown spots, all caused by sun exposure.

Establishing and maintaining a regular skincare regimen to help counteract some of these negative impacts on the skin becomes a must.
Acne, however, may cause discoloration and scarring, which can even pop-up in and past your 30s if you have struggled with it in the past. Acne spots might become more prominent if you lose part of your skin's suppleness, says Loretta Ciraldo, MD, a dermatologist and the creator of Dr. Loretta Skincare. There are a few people in their 80s who have gorgeous skin, most because they've followed a program since they were teenagers or early twenties. It’s the sacrifice we all need to make for our older self.


most common skin problem in teenagers

When in your 20s, physicians suggest incorporating these methods into your daily skincare regimen.


  1. Thoroughly clean your face at least 2 times a day !

Generally, merely washing your face at night isn’t enough to keep it clean. Dead skin cells and dust mites are just a few of the things that might end up on your skin overnight, according to Dr. Ciraldo.

That's why it's as crucial to wash your face every day, at least twice a day. Both before you go to bed and after you have woken up. This will help your skin stay clean and help those pores keep open. Another reason to wash your face upon awakening is because you sweat and perspire throughout the night.

  1. Keep your skin Moisturized and Hydrated !

“Even if you don't think you have dry skin, you should be moisturizing twice a day—once after each cleanse—to keep your skin soft and supple all day.”

First and foremost, Dr. Nussbaum stresses the need of hydration. As a result, moisturizing the skin enhances the skin barrier to protect it from irritation, dryness, and inflammation; it also plumps the epidermal cells to give the skin a supple and smooth appearance. Helping you towards that glowing skin.

  1. Vitamin C!

Dr. Nussbaum recommends using a vitamin C serum first thing in the morning. Antioxidants neutralize free radicals to reduce skin ageing and may help prevent skin cancer, she explains. Vitamin C is a strong antioxidant. Using a vitamin C serum can help you achieve brighter, tighter, and healthier skin since it encourages the creation of collagen. Try Drunk Elephant C-Firma or Biossance Squalane + Vitamin C Rose Oil if you don't want to DIY it.

  1. Scrub your face to remove dead skin cells once a week

To get a brighter complexion, Dr. Nussbaum advises using First Aid Beauty's glycolic acid-containing pads like these once or twice a week. Aging may be slowed by using glycolic acid." However, over-exfoliation may create redness and irritation, as well as micro tears in the skin, so you should be careful not to overdo it. Kate Somerville's ExfoliKate is an excellent choice for an occasional scrub with finely powdered exfoliates.

  1. Apply sunscreen every day, regardless of the season

Safe sunscreen is critical year-round, but you may not be aware that you need it even on overcast days. "Sunlight exposure is the primary cause of skin ageing," says a dermatologist in Torrance, California, Simone McKitty, MD. An SPF 30 or greater broad-spectrum minerals sunblock (rather than chemical) should be applied every day, even on cloudy days and indoors, even if it is pouring or snows. Coola's Mineral Face Matte Moisturizer is one of our all-time favorite items. At the absolute least, reapply every few hours, and as soon as possible after coming out of the water. Make sure to follow up your sunscreen with Drunk Elephant's Tinted Umbra.

causes and treatment for skin problems
  1. Don't forget about your hands!

The skin on our hands is very delicate, and many individuals fail to take proper care of it. And this sector ages more quickly than other parts of the city. Ciraldo recommends using facial sunscreens, moisturizers, and serums on your hands as well as your face to keep your hands from appearing older by the time you're in your forties. It will be much appreciated by your 40 and 50-year-old faces!" As an additional precaution, dab any surplus sunscreen on the back of your hands after applying it in the morning.


  1. Get your hands on some retinol

Retinol, commonly known as vitamin A, is considered by dermatologists to be a critical component in the fight against the deterioration of skin cell turnover that occurs with age, particularly in the case of photo aging. In addition to reducing fine lines and wrinkles, it reduces acne development and exfoliates dead skin cells, explains Nussbaum. "It is definitely the gold standard of antiaging, he adds. Using retinol three times a week and progressing to once a night if your skin can take it is a good beginning point, she advises. Use a pea-sized quantity for the whole face, instantly moisturizing, and if your skin becomes red or dry, you are overusing it. In addition, retinol is not recommended for pregnant or nursing women. Try Sunday Riley Luna Oil or Drunk Elephant Retinol Cream if you're seeking for over-the-counter retinol choices.”


  1. Maintain a healthy lifestyle

A nutritious diet, regular physical activity, restful sleep and reduced stress all contribute to the health of your skin. [source] Smoking is second only to sun exposure in terms of its ability to cause wrinkles and dry skin, thus it should be avoided at all costs.


  1. Get frequent facials to keep your skin looking its best

HydraFacial’s, which are less abrasive and less likely to produce scarring and hyperpigmentation, are highly recommended by celebrity esthetician Joshua Ross of SkinLab in West Hollywood.

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